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Meet, schmooze, and enjoy the company of other Ansche Chesed families on Shabbat afternoons while your children play in the Discovery gym in AC's basement! The gym, with its child-friendly mats and tumbling area, is open for families with kids ages toddler to tween. Open to AC members and non-members.
Registered families receive a season pass - which must be shown every Shabbat to the gym supervisor - and two free one time use guest passes. Shabbat Gym is for registered family members only. Contact the AC Office with any questions about the form, or Aliza Sebert with questions about the Shabbat Gym program.
Shabbat Gym Dates:
January 4, 11, 25
February 1, 15, 22
March 1, 8, 15, 22
You may select a season pass for either one of the following two weekly time slots:
Group 1: 1:00 - 2:00pm - Mixed ages FULL
Group 2: 2:30 - 3:30pm - Kids ages 7 and under only
Cost for a season pass:
Members - $180 for first child, $80 for each additional child
Non-members - $250 for first child, $100 for each additional child
You must select one of the following two time slots:
Cost for the season pass:
Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785