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Membership: The parents of all students entering Kitah Gimel (Third Grade) and above must be members in good standing of Ansche Chesed. For information about membership, please see the Ansche Chesed website. If you have any questions, contact the office or call 212-865-0600 ext. 202.
Outstanding Balance: Outstanding balances on previous years’ tuition must be paid in full or otherwise addressed before students may be enrolled for the current year. To discuss outstanding balances, please contact Martin Sivorinovsky, Administrative Director, or call him at 212-865-0600 ext. 216.
Non-Refundable Deposit: A non-refundable deposit of $200 per student is required to hold your child/children’s space(s).
Early Bird Special: Parents whose applications are received before August 15th, 2023 will receive an Early Bird Discount of $75 per student.
Post-Dated Checks: If tuition is not paid in full before the start of the school year, parents must submit four post-dated checks made out in equal monthly installments and be dated October 1, November 1, December 1 and January 1.
Bounced Checks: Bounced checks will be subject to a $25 per-check penalty.
Tuition Due Date: Tuition is due in full by December 15th, 2023. Financial Need and Scholarships: ACHS does not turn away students because of financial need. To have a confidential discussion about scholarships, contact Rabbi Yael, Associate Rabbi, at 212-865-0600 ext.209.
Learning Materials: Tuition includes all books and other regular class materials. Academic Calendar: ACHS will begin this year on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 and will conclude on Thursday, May 16, 2024. We encourage registered ACHS families to join AC Holiday Family Services and Programs for FREE in September!
This year, ACHS will offer 2 Hebrew language learning options for 3rd through 6th grade students:
Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785