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Global Citizenship: A Trans-Atlantic Conversation and Brunch

Sunday, November 11, 2018 3 Kislev 5779

10:30 AM - 12:30 PMHirsch Hall

With so much going on in America, we forget that we are members of a global citizenship. What happens internationally, affects us as well.

Now that we are on the other side of the mid-term elections, join Ansche Chesed for a Trans-Atlantic conversation over a Sunday morning brunch. Join Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg to learn more about the state of European Jewry.

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg is a Masorti rabbi, the Senior Rabbi of Masorti Judaism UK. He is a leading writer and thinker on Judaism. He is Rabbi of the New North London Synagogue, with approximately 2400 members. He is also a member of the Elijah Interfaith Institute Board of World Religious Leaders.

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