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Souls on Fire

Sunday, May 6, 2018 21 Iyyar 5778

4:00 PM - 6:00 PMAnsche Chesed

(image: Souls Dance by Yitzchok Moully,

Celebrated by critics as “stunning, impassioned and beautifully conceived,” Souls on Fire is an oratorio that brings to life the stories of the founders of European Hasidism, a movement that created a revolution in the Jewish world. It mingles the joy which is Hasidism with Wiesel's memories of the Holocaust.

The Ansche Chesed performance will feature a collaboration between two choirs, Shirei Chesed Community Chorus and the H.L. Miller Cantorial School Choir at the Jewish Theological Seminary, both directed by Hazzan Natasha Hirschhorn, Ansche Chesed Music Director and JTS Faculty member. Storytellers Susan Stein and Mark Smith bring to life the words of Elie Wiesel, described by The New York Times as a “loving, personal affirmation of Judaism, written with words and silence.”

Oratorio by Charles D. Osborne

Based on the book by Elie Wiesel



Cantor Rachel Brook, Soprano (Park Ave Synagogue)

Cantor Shayna Postman, Mezzo Soprano (Town and Village Synagogue)

Gil Ezring, Tenor

Cantor Gerald Cohen, Baritone (Shaarei Tikvah)

Shirei Chesed Community Chorus

H.L.Miller Cantorial School Choir at JTS

David Steinberg & Lavinia Pavlish, Violins

Anna Heflin, Viola

Lanny Paykin, Cello

Elizabeth Rodgers, Piano

Mark Smith and Susan Stein, Storytellers

Cantor Natasha J. Hirschhorn, Conductor


$15 in advance/$20 at the door; children under twelve $5 in advance, $10 at the door

To order over the phone, call: 212.865.0600   

Advance registration closes Saturday night (May 5th).  Tickets will be available at the door.

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