After services, the Ansche Chesed community will join together for a potluck lunch to celebrate our wonderful friend Vivian Awner. Please wear turquoise (her favorite color) in her honor.
Salmon will be provided and we ask each attendee to please bring a dairy or pareve salad, side dish, or dessert to share. Food may be purchased under rabbinic supervision, cooked in a kosher kitchen, or prepared uncooked in any kitchen.
In anticipation of the lunch, we are pleased to announce The Vivian Awner Wider Tent Fund, which was established with a generous gift from her estate, to honor her life and legacy. The fund will help Ansche Chesed welcome individuals of all ages and stages into our community, with a special focus on singles and older adults. You can donate to the fund below.
Please RSVP below by Wednesday, June 5.