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Christian Nationalism in America Today

Saturday, February 24, 2024 15 Adar I 5784

12:00 PM - 1:30 PMHirsch Hall

All are welcome to join us for Kiddush after services to hear AC member Prof. Marcia Pally, author of the new book White Evangelicals and Right-Wing Populism: How Did We Get Here

Going beyond headlines and polling, we'll discuss the big picture and the deep picture: why is right-wing populism so forceful in America? Are white evangelicals in Trump's "base" voting against their best interests? Why do they think Trump is in their best interests? We'll look at religious history, political culture, and current conditions that position white evangelicals to embrace the populist right. And look forward to a surprise ending about covenant.  

We'll provide a light lunch, you bring fruit or dessert to share!

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Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785