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Learn To Bake Challah with Nicole Duval

Thursday, May 14, 2020 20 Iyyar 5780

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

Shabbat is filled with sounds and smells that make it special. While we are not able to gather in the sanctuary to hear the familiar tunes of Shabbat, we can still enjoy the fragrance of fresh challah that reminds you that Shabbat is about to begin.

Join Anshe Chesed member and expert break baker Nicole Duval, as she shares her recipe and tips for how to make delicious challah.

Nicole is a South African born, Australian raised, Israeli American. Having grown up in Australia, she moved to Israel after high school, initially to spend a year on a kibbutz, but she ended up remaining there, making aliya and attending the Hebrew University. In 1997, after meeting her future husband, Elai Katz, she moved to New York where she finally settled.

Nicole is a visual artist. She holds a Master of Fine Arts in painting and has exhibited her work in numerous shows. As an avid baker and particularly an obsessive challah baker, many of her paintings depict the dough she spends time making and braiding.

Nicole has been a member of Ansche Chesed since 2008 when she and her husband and their 2 children, Molly and Liam moved from Brooklyn Heights to the Upper West Side.

Follow her Challah Tales on instagram or her website.

You will need to download this ingredient list and recipe here.


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Mon, May 20 2024 12 Iyyar 5784