Combatants For Peace
Wednesday, December 6, 2017 • 18 Kislev 5778
6:30 PM - 8:00 PMChapel In 2006, Israeli and Palestinian former combatants, people who had taken an active role in the conflict, laid down their weapons and established Combatants for Peace. The egalitarian, bi-national, grassroots movement was founded on the belief that the cycle of violence can only be broken when Israelis and Palestinians join forces. As a result of their work, they were nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, 2017.
Join us as “Combatants” Osama Elewat and Nathan Landau share their stories.
Note: Rabbi Kalmanofsky has canceled his Talmud this night, and Shirei Chesed will be pushed to 7:45 pm to allow for attendance at this important program.
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